When should Chanukah candles be lighted?

One of the points of lighting Chanukah candles is so that others can see them, as a way of publicizing the miracle of Chanukah – whether that is the story of the little oil that lasted eight nights, or the miracle of our very survival. So they are meant to be lit after sunset, and then placed where they can be seen by others.

Since traditionally no work is done while the Chanukiah remains lit, many people kindle the lights after dinner, assuming the sun has set by then. OU Torah admonishes its Orthodox readers not to procrastinate, but also to finish evening prayers (davening Ma’ariv) before lighting them.

On Shabbat, things get a little more complicated. Chanukah candles are lit before Shabbat candles (since traditionally nothing is to be kindled on Shabbat), which are in turn kindled just before sundown. But the Chanukah candles should still burn long enough to be seen after dark.

Tiny Chanukiah (dreidel for size only - not included)

If you would like to display your Chanukah lights in a window but fear burning your drapes, we recommend an LED Chanukiah. We offer two sizes – small and tiny – that are safe to display anywhere!

You can shop all our Chanukah items at https://www.jewjubox.ca/shop/holidays/chanukah

Blue electric LED Chanukiah

Small Chanukiah


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